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Elizabeth Heaphy

Linda Garland

Maurilia Galati

Search For Past Classmates Starting With "G"
"Thanks to all on this page who have confirmed their addresses.
The following list will be updated as we confirm additional contact information."

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Click on first or last name to view photos and other information
Last Name First Name Given Name
(First, Middle)
Married Name Photo Bio Date Deceased
Then Now
Gabel Lyle Lyle, Edward   1-2-1994
Galloway Lee Lee, Richard     00-00-0000
Garday Doreen Doreen, Kay Howard March 24, 2015
Gardner Kay Kay, Frances Scullin 1-25-2010
Gehrt Steven Steven, Leroy     00-00-0000
Geno Delora Delora, Ann Mc Daniels     00-00-0000
Giegerich Jerri Jerrilyn, Moseley 2-2-2012
Godbold Glen Glen, R. April 26, 2013
Goff Terry Terry, Lee Francis   1-21-2002
Greenwood John John, Robert 10-11-2012
Kelly Greg Gregory, Paul   6-10-1967
Liotta G.J. G.J. (Toll Faculty), Gaspar Joseph 02-02-2012
Mateuda Gary Gary, John 4-16-2008
Novinger George Coach George, Feb 4, 2022
Smith Gene Gene,     4-00-1971
Snyder Judy Judith, Anne Guich   Feb 9, 2014
Steese Gary Gerald Lee 'Gary', 11-29-2005
Stephens Gary Gary, Phillip     9-29-1992
Stinson Gary Gary, Lee   3-14-2009
Williams Barbara Barbara, Ellen Greenough Jan 12, 2021
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