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Beginning with "C"

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Alan Clarke

Ute Negenbank

Judith Wiedeman

Search For Past Classmates Starting With "C"
"Thanks to all on this page who have confirmed their addresses.
The following list will be updated as we confirm additional contact information."

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Last Name First Name Given Name
(First, Middle)
Married Name Photo Bio Date Deceased
Then Now
Calvert Vicki Vicki, Lynn   00-00-0000
Campbell Jackie Jacqueline, J. (Drill Team) May 4th, 2013
Castleman Patricia Patricia, Gail Richardson   11-14-2011
Chaffin Leonard Leonard, Joseph   9-30-1996
Chalfant Ken Ken,     6-00-1973
Churchill Sharon Sharon, Ann Surabian   7-00-2006
Cooney Majel Majel,     1-00-1994
Cotter Richard Richard, E.   10-26-2002
Cox Patricia Patricia, O'Kelly 12-00-2006
Craig Bill William 'Bill', N. January 1, 2017
Creamer Jr Clyde Clyde, H. 4-22-2012
Cummins Elizabeth Elizabeth, A.     00-00-0000
Dailey Craig Craig, Robert April 20, 2016
Deegan Carolyn Carolyn, Ruth Herron   00-00-1980
Falkenburg Cheryl Cheryl, Ann Hershman September 19, 2015
Hogan Chuck Charles, Thomas   6-10-2002
Kaufman Chet Chester, Wade 11-30-2011
Lings Charles Charles, Alan   9-17-1995
Oakley Charlene Charlene, Ann Mac Donald June 2, 2015
Shores Christina Christina, Margaret Wilder   12-12-2010
Spengler Claire Stella Claire, Bellin   July 13, 2023
Stively Marjorie Marjorie, Ruth Collins     9-19-2001
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